Please be aware that Kmmovies does not host any of the video files or content found on our website. Instead, we serve as an index that compiles links to various third-party websites where the content can be found. As such, we cannot be held responsible for the availability, quality, or legality of the content hosted on these external sites.
Furthermore, we strongly encourage our users to act responsibly and respect the rights of content creators and copyright holders. It is the responsibility of each user to ensure that they are in compliance with applicable laws and regulations when accessing and consuming the content available on our website and the third-party websites we link to.
By using Kmmovies, you acknowledge and agree that you will not hold us liable for any damages, issues, or legal consequences that may arise from your use of our website or the content we link to. You also acknowledge that you are using our website and the content available on third-party websites at your own risk.
We encourage users to contact us if they come across any content that may be infringing on the rights of others, and we will take appropriate action in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. At Kmmovies, we are committed to maintaining a platform that respects the rights of content creators while providing our users with an enjoyable and accessible movie-watching experience.